Harry and Meghan believe boyhood should be ‘fluid’

Finally a progressive royal! Kudos to Harry and Meghan, beautiful people who are not afraid to call your average...

Mom pulls her daughter out of school over innocent role play

These conservative Latina moms will be the end of us. Who wouldn't want their barely teenage kids to participate in...

Minnesota – the woman of the year is a biological male

And why wouldn't he be? What could be more natural, appropriate and just than for a transgender biological male to...

15 minute cities – exciting new future, soon in your city

Why would anyone ever want to leave their immediate neighbourhood? 15 minute city is a concept that will make the...

Little know fact about your favourite drink – it’s racist

We never thought of it, but now it makes perfect sense. Coffee, just like math, good grammar and punctuality is...

Who to root for, Muslimah vs Jeffrey Marsh?

First of all, let us state the obvious: Jeffery Marsh is totally not creepy. If you think he is, you're...

Black educator in California fired over “whitesplaining”

Kudos to the college, we say. That will teach this woman not to ask questions and to get in line....

Netflix cancels wonderful children TV series

What's the world come to? Children's favourite - Ridley Jones has been canceled. Who's going to teach small kids and...

Peggy Flanagan on sex changes for minors

She's right, we say. Children know what's best for them and are known for making sound life-changing decisions. You should...

Throwing anti-Semitism into the mix, always handy

Nothing screams anti-Semitism and anti-Science (at the same time) like experimental-drug hesitance. It's obvious that something is deeply wrong with...