Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel is an American television host, comedian, writer, producer and a Democrat party activist. There was a time when he was mildly funny, but unfortunately it’s no longer the case.
Just like many other woke Hollywood elites sitting in their echo chambers all day every day, he’s more interested in selling a political narrative than he is in actually entertaining people.

Joy Reid

Joy Reid is an American cable television host, MSNBC national correspondent, liberal political commentator, author and a wonderful human being.
She’s totally not racist.
Joy, or the lack thereof, is woke beyond belief and to the left of any woke celebrity. Some of her views are so extreme that she puts many a liberal left loony to shame.
God bless her.

Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon is a former Scottish First Minister and the leader of the SNP.
She’s famous for showing extraordinary amount of empathy for a double rapist transgender convict demanding he/she be placed in a women’s prison.
Nicola is the best the left has to offer and Scotland is blessed for having her.

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist and a wunderkind.
She started her career by reproaching her parents for their carbon foot print. She’s know for her ascetic life-style and also her furniture.
She’s recently been seen at the WEF where she continues to inspire many and dumbfound many more.